President Donald Trump went on another Twitter outburst early Friday morning, this time attacking Robert Mueller and Rod Rosenstein over what he perceives are “big time conflicts of interest.”

Trump fired off five tweets in which he accused the deputy attorney general of being “totally conflicted” for signing off on a FISA warrant that essentially permitted federal investigators to monitor Trump 2016 campaign aide Carter Page. 

Trump also questioned whether Mueller would include Rosenstein’s “scathing document” about former FBI Director James Comey — seemingly a reference to the letter the Justice Department’s second-highest-ranking official wrote recommending “Leakin’ Lyin'” Comey’s dismissal in May 2017 —  in his final report about his probe into Russian meddling during the 2016 election, which includes an inquiry into potential collusion between Trump associates and the Kremlin. Trump accused Comey and Mueller of being “Best Friends.”

The president didn’t stop there, however. Once again, he also went after “Crooked” Hillary Clinton and Democrats (specifically the Democratic National Committee), as well as people who worked for the Clinton Foundation.

“Will the corruption within the DNC & Clinton Campaign be exposed?..And so much more!” Trump tweeted.


Trump continued writing: “Will all of the substantial & many contributions made by the 17 Angry Democrats to the Campaign of Crooked Hillary be listed in top of Report. Will the people that worked for the Clinton Foundation be listed at the top of the Report?” Trump inquired. He also asked that two prominent Barack Obama Administration officials, former CIA Director John Brennan and former National Intelligence Director James Clapperbe mentioned in Mueller’s final report, as well as former associate deputy attorney general Bruce Ohrwhom Trump has accused of mishandling sensitive information related to the Russia investigation. In his tweet, the president incorrectly called Ohr’s wife Nellie “Molly.”

Perhaps one of the lesser-known targets of Trump’s Twitter attack on Friday is special counsel prosecutor Andrew Weissman. Trump accused Weissman of harboring a “horrible and vicious prosecutorial past” and of having “wrongly destroyed people’s lives” and taking down “great companies.” According to POLITICO, the president may be referring to the 2002 conviction of an accounting firm with ties to now-dead energy behemoth Enron.

Michael Avenattithe lawyer of porn star Stormy Daniels who has long heavily criticized Trump, replied to the president’s tweet-storm with his own post, saying he was “worried” about his “health.”

“You are in full panic mode and on the verge of a complete meltdown,” Avenatti wrote. “If you can’t handle the heat, perhaps you should get out of the kitchen…and into a gym.”

Avenatti announced this week that he would not run for president in 2020.

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Pablo Mena

Article by Pablo Mena

Writer for NY Giants and Rangers fan. Film and TV enthusiast (especially Harry Potter and The Office) and lover of foreign languages and cultures.

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