You searched for: Donald Trump

Vladmir Putin-Donald Trump Summit Set For July 16 In Helsinki

U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin are set to meet on July 16 in Helsinki. Moscow and Washington…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Supporters Heckle CNN Reporter Jim Acosta At Columbia Rally

CNN’s White House Correspondent Jim Acosta was accosted by Trump supporters who told him to “get the f--- out” at…

6 years ago

Jimmy Fallon Denies Donald Trump’s Claims That He Called & Thanked Him

Monday night, The Tonight Show's Jimmy Fallon gave “a shout-out to our show’s No. 1 fan: the president of the…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Questions Sen. Mark Warner’s Sobriety Over Mueller Joke

President Donald Trump publicly questioned whether Senate Intelligence Committee’s top Democrat Mark Warner was “in a near drunken state” when…

6 years ago

Supreme Court Upholds Donald Trump’s Travel Ban

The Supreme Court voted to uphold President Donald Trump’s travel ban on Tuesday. In a 5-4 vote with the court’s…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Calls Rep. Maxine Waters “Low IQ Person”

On Monday evening, President Donald Trump said Congresswoman Maxine Waters’ is a “low IQ person” and should “be careful” after…

6 years ago

Laura Bush Calls Donald Trump’s Immigration Policies “Immoral”

Former First Lady Laura Bush wrote a harsh criticism of the "zero-tolerance" immigration policy created under the direction of President…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Jr. Gains Popularity Among Republican Candidates

Donald Trump Jr., the president’s son, has become the go–to person for Republican Senate candidates looking for some sort of…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Berates Red Hen Restaurant For Kicking Out Sarah Huckabee Sanders

President Donald Trump lashed out on Twitter at a Virginia Red Hen restaurant for refusing to serve his press secretary.…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Calls For Eliminating Due Process For Immigrants

President Donald Trump proclaimed that those who enter the United States illegally should immediately be sent back without appearing before…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Calls Female Reporter ‘Obnoxious’ & Tells Her To ‘Be Quiet’

President Donald Trump did not take kindly to reporters shouting questions at him on the White House lawn on Friday.…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Appears Envious Of Kim Jong-un’s Dictatorship In New Comments

President Donald Trump made several comments complimenting the “respect” North Korean leader Kim Jong-un commands from his people following their…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Barbs Angela Merkel About German Crime Rate In Tweet

In a Tweet on Monday, President Donald Trump criticized Germany’s open-door refugee policy by claiming the policy was responsible for…

6 years ago

Ivanka Trump Praises Dad Donald Trump For Ending Child Separation Policy He Created

After months of silence, first daughter Ivanka Trump finally spoke up about her father, President Donald Trump’s zero-tolerance immigration policy…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Says North Korea Is “No Longer A Nuclear Threat”

President Donald Trump is claiming on Twitter that North Korea no longer poses a nuclear threat with Pyongyang's significant weapons…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Defends Family Separations Amid Republican Backlash

Despite public outcry and mounting political pressure, President Donald Trump has remained firm with his zero-tolerance immigration policy. In April…

6 years ago

Donald Trump To Sign Executive Action To Stop Family Separations After Outcry

President Donald Trump announced on Wednesday that he will be signing an executive order to halt his administration’s policy of…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Threatens Additional Tariffs On $200 Billion Of Chinese Goods

President Donald Trump has threatened to impose tariffs on an extra $200 billion worth of Chinese goods and potentially more…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Wants U.S. To Dominate Space By Establishing ‘Space Force’

President Donald Trump directed the pentagon to establish a sixth branch of the U.S. military at a National Space Council…

6 years ago

Rudy Giuliani Says Donald Trump Will ‘Easily’ Win Second Term, Especially If ‘Moron’ Biden Runs

Rudy Giuliani, President Donald Trump’s personal attorney and failed 2008 presidential candidate, predicts an easy re-election for Trump in the…

6 years ago