In an exclusive interview with uPolitics, Julie Johnson, the Democratic nominee for Texas’s 32nd house district, outlined her policy priorities if elected, her past efforts opposing Republican anti-LGBT legislature and the hope Vice President Kamala Harris‘s campaign has inspired in Texas.

Johnson, who flipped her state House seat from red to blue in 2018, is the first Democrat in 40 years to serve in Texas’s state legislature.

If elected to the House, she aims to pursue voter protection measures like the John Lewis Rights Act and the Freedom to Vote Act, as well as legislation on abortion rights and LGBTQ protections.

“Texas is the state that kind of initiated the abortion bans that have been permeating the country and so restoring our freedom to be able to make our own health choices is critically important,” said Johnson.

“In conjunction with that, passing the Equality Act for LGBT people to have the freedom and dignity to live their full life free from discrimination and incrimination,” she added.

Johnson highlighted her past efforts opposing Texas Republicans’ anti-LGBT legislation, which saw 144 anti-LGBT bills introduced last session, and her role in forming the first-ever LGBT caucus in the Texas legislature.

“We’ve been on the front lines of defeating many of those and it’s been very important that we’ve been in those small spaces to be able to move the needle in a positive way forward to keep hateful and harmful legislature from coming to the floor,” said Johnson.

“It’s been critically important that we’ve been at the table. It’s very personal to us and we fight it very hard and we have been very, very effective,” she said.

“I’m excited to be here and have the platform to shine the spotlight that our community is meaningful and is here,” said Johnson, who would become the first openly LGBT congressperson from the South if elected. “We have a lot of great people in it and we deserve to be at the table in politics.”

Johnson reflected on the changes in Texas since President Joe Biden withdrew from the race, with Harris taking his place on the ticket.

“The enthusiasm is off the chain,” she said.

“The fact that we were strategic and everybody got on board immediately I think has provided the unity and swiftness with which Democrats have acted. And she has propelled this momentum that’s just snowballing in record ways and I think it’s going to really transcend the ballot here in Texas,” said Johnson.

She also praised Biden’s “selfless” decision and expressed hope that Texas could turn blue this year.

“I think Democrats are going to pick up some seats and it’s very exciting. We’re all working really hard,” stated Johnson.

“It’s great that we’re all marching forward with one purpose, one vision, with one unwavering commitment to defeat Donald Trump and everything that he represents.”

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