Donald Trump has uttered 10,000 lies since taking office in January 2017, it was reported on Monday.

According to The Washington Post‘s fact-checkers, Trump reached the mark on April 26, which means he has averaged eight falsehoods per day throughout the course of the past 827 days. As of Monday, Trump hit 10,111 lies.

Last May, Trump hit 3,000 fibs since becoming president, which means his lying has increased substantially over the last year. The figures appear unbelievable, but Trump has truly reached an unprecedented level of lying through his false statements in public speeches like the State of the Union, at events like rallies, and in comments to the press and on Twitter.

In his first 100 days in office, Trump lied on average five times per day. It’s also worth nothing that since the 2018 midterm elections and the fall-out of special counsel Robert Mueller‘s report on the Russia investigation, the president’s falsehoods have dramatically skyrocketed.

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Late-night comedian Trevor Noah of The Daily Show was one of several people to mock Trump for his lies:

Data shows many of Trump’s lies in recent months have revolved around immigration and the border wall, which he has repeatedly claimed is further along in its construction than it actually is. Earlier this year, the president falsely said the United States is “full” and can’t accept any more immigrants. In reality, demographers and economists have found that many states have recently been witnessing declining birthrates and aging populations, and have thus suggested that immigrants are a good way to help bolster those states’ economies.

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