Donald Trump

President Trump Says He’d “Love To See A Shutdown” Over Immigration

As lawmakers are making headway on a budget pact, Donald Trump is prepared to shutdown the government if he isn't happy…

7 years ago

President Trump Calls Democrats “Treasonous” For Not Applauding His State Of The Union Address

Donald Trump on Monday went off-script while speaking in Ohio about tax reform and called Democrats "treasonous" for not applauding…

7 years ago

Nunes Memo Released: Carter Page FISA Warrant Renewed Three Times [FULL TEXT]

A highly contested House Intelligence Committee memo was released on Friday after President Donald Trump gave his approval. The Nunes…

7 years ago

President Trump Accuses The FBI And Department Of Justice Of Biased Against Republicans In New Tweets

President Donald Trump earlier today renewed efforts to further discredit the leadership of the FBI and Department of Justice for…

7 years ago

President Trump Addresses World Leaders At The World Economic Summit In Davos [FULL VIDEO]

President Donald Trump delivered a message calling for "peace and prosperity" while trumpeting his "America First" policy to the worlds political…

7 years ago

Melania Trump Reportedly ‘Furious’ About Stormy Daniels’ Payments

Melania Trump was allegedly "furious" over the Stormy Daniels reports that indicate that the porn star had an affair with Donald Trump a year…

7 years ago

Oprah Winfrey Shoots Down Rumors Of A Possible 2020 Presidential Bid

Oprah Winfrey ended rumors that she would run against President Donald Trump in 2020 during an interview with InStyle magazine published…

7 years ago

President Trump Celebrates End Of Government Shutdown; Slams CNN’s Jim Acosta In Tweet

Donald Trump tweeted out praises of victory after the end of the government shutdown, and shouted out a CNN reporter…

7 years ago

Senate Votes To End Government Shutdown After 3 Days

Senate Democrats voted to reopen the government on Monday after getting a Republican commitment to vote on immigration legislation, which…

7 years ago

President Trump Delivers “Fake News Awards” After All

On Wednesday night, President Donald Trump tweeted out a link to his followers touting this year's fake news award winners…

7 years ago

President Trump Borderline Obese, But Otherwise Healthy

Donald Trump underwent his first presidential physical and the results were revealed on Tuesday during a White House press briefing.…

7 years ago

President Trump Says Sen. Dick Durbin Was Lying About “S—hole” Comment

Donald Trump on Monday tweeted out that Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Illinois) was lying when he said that the president referred to…

7 years ago

Trump Denies ‘S—hole’ Language In Bipartisan DACA Meeting

Donald Trump is now denying referring to some countries as "s---hole countries" during a bipartisan meeting about immigration with lawmakers.…

7 years ago

Attorney General Jeff Sessions Draws Bipartisan Backlash After Calling For Stricter Marijuana Laws

On Thursday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions rescinded an Obama-era policy on marijuana that classified it as a low priority for law…

7 years ago

President Trump Attacks Sen. Diane Feinstein For Release Of Glenn Simpson’s Fusion GPS Testimony

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-California) unilaterally released the more than 300-page congressional testimony of Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson. Donald Trump responded with a criticizing…

7 years ago

Robert Mueller Likely To Interview President Trump In Russia Probe

Special Counsel Robert Mueller told Donald Trump's lawyers last month that he planned to seek an interview with the president. ROBERT…

7 years ago

Sen. Orrin Hatch To Retire, Leaves Room For Trump Critic Mitt Romney In Utah Senate Seat

Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), 83,  announced Tuesday that he would be retiring at the end of his term this year.…

7 years ago

President Trump Suggests Huma Abedin Be Jailed Following E-mail Release

Donald Trump suggested on Tuesday that Hillary Clinton's former aide Huma Abedin be jailed after the State Department's release last week of…

7 years ago

Nikki Haley Addresses United Nations, Gives Second Warning About Votes Against U.S. Embassy Move To Jerusalem

Earlier this week, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley warned the other country ambassadors that she will be "taking names"…

7 years ago

John Hodgman On His Character The ‘Deranged Millionaire’: “I Couldn’t Go More Absurd Than Donald Trump Could” [VIDEO EXCLUSIVE]

John Hodgman is known for his work on Jon Stewart's The Daily Show, as well as some podcasting and comedy books he's…

7 years ago