Donald Trump

Trump Slams FBI & James Comey In New Tweets After Justice Dept. Inspector General’s Findings

President Donald Trump jumped on Twitter early Friday morning to voice his disgust with a 500-page report the Justice Department's inspector general…

6 years ago

Paul Manafort Sent To Jail Before Trial, Judge Cites New Obstruction Charges And Revokes Bail

On Friday, a federal judge sent Paul Manafort — President Donald Trump's former campaign manager — to jail and revoked his bail citing…

6 years ago

Vladimir Putin Says He’s Ready To Rejoin The G7

On Friday, President Donald Trump suggested that Russia should rejoin the G7 — the group of the seven largest advanced…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Likes To Rip Up Documents, So White House Pays People To Tape Them

President Donald Trump’s unique filing system consists of tearing documents to shreds – whether or not they must be preserved…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Says He Would ‘Absolutely’ Invite Kim Jong-un To White House

Following the Singapore summit between United States President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, the president has had…

6 years ago

Michael Cohen’s Change In Legal Representation May Mean He’s Ready To Help Robert Mueller

President Donald J Trump’s former personal attorney, Michael Cohen, cut ties with his legal team this week, indicating that he…

6 years ago

Justice Dept. Inspector General Says James Comey Was Insubordinate But Unbiased In Hillary Clinton Email Probe

Former FBI Director James Comey broke protocol and was insubordinate while conducting his investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server, although…

6 years ago

N.Y. Attorney General Barbara Underwood Sues Donald Trump & 3 Children Over Alleged Illegal Acts At Trump Foundation

Thursday morning, the New York Attorney General petitioned to sue President Donald Trump and his three children for the illegal…

6 years ago

U.S. Senate Attempts To Block Donald Trump’s ZTE Deal

In response to concerns over national security, the Senate plans to block President Donald Trump’s deal with Chinese telecom giant ZTE, signaling the…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Shows Kim Jong-un Presidential Limo, The “Beast” [VIDEO]

After meetings at their summit in Singapore, President Donald Trump and North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un made an unscheduled stop…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Calls Robert De Niro A ‘Low IQ Individual,’ In Tweet With Misspelling

After forming a “very strong bond” with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, President Donald Trump has found a new Twitter…

6 years ago

Fans Rage After ABC Interrupts ‘The Bachelorette’ To Show Kim Jong-un/Donald Trump Summit

On Monday night, The Bachelorette fans were shocked to find their regularly scheduled romance interrupted by a new budding relationship.…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Offers Kim Jong-un “Remarkable” Security Deal

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said after the summit between President Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un that North Korea…

6 years ago

Jared Kushner & Ivanka Trump Made $82 Million Outside Of White House Last Year

Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, President Donald Trump’s daughter and son-in-law, made $82 million while serving as senior White House…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Says North Korea Has ‘Great Beaches’ For Condos

Following the historic meeting between President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, Trump couldn’t help but return to…

6 years ago

Trump-Kim Summit Criticized For Lack Of Details, Trump Blasts “Haters & Losers” In Tweet

The summit between President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, while historic, was noticeably scant on details involving…

6 years ago

Donald Trump & Kim Jong-un Meet At Historic Summit, Leaders Sign Joint Statement [FULL TEXT]

President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un came together in an unprecedented meeting June 12 and left five…

6 years ago

Fox News Host Abby Huntsman Apologizes For Accidentally Calling Trump A ‘Dictator’

Any major news network calling a sitting U.S. president a "dictator" would be surprising, but especially Fox News using such a term,…

6 years ago

Trump Will Leave Singapore Summit With Kim Jong-Un Early As Talks Progressing ‘More Quickly Than Expected’

Officials from the U.S. and North Korea are reportedly negotiating in Singapore ahead of Tuesday's much-anticipated summit between President Donald Trump and Kim…

6 years ago

John McCain To Allies: “Americans Stand With You” Even If Donald Trump Doesn’t

Sen. John McCain took to Twitter to reassure United States allies that the feelings its president, Donald Trump, has do…

6 years ago