You searched for: Mitch McConnell

Lincoln Project Slams Sen. Susan Collins In New Ad, Calling Her ‘Trump Stooge’

The Lincoln Project, an anti-Trump super PAC, released a video called "Trump Stooge," attacking Sen Susan Collins (R-Maine) for not…

4 years ago

Trump Says Impeachment ‘Distracted’ Him From Fighting Coronavirus

President Donald Trump said on Tuesday that his impeachment “probably” distracted him from properly responding to the coronavirus.  "Well, I…

4 years ago

Pete Buttigieg Calls For Democratic Unity In Campaign-Ending Speech

Former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg announced Sunday night that he was suspending his presidential campaign ahead of Super Tuesday.…

5 years ago

GOP Senators Say They Have Enough Votes To Block Witnesses In Trump Impeachment Trial

After the Q&A phase of President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial wrapped up Thursday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) revealed that he has…

5 years ago

Nancy Pelosi Says She Won’t Send Articles Of Impeachment To The Senate Yet

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-California) on Thursday said she wouldn't yet send articles of impeachments against President Donald Trump to the Senate just…

5 years ago

Nancy Pelosi May Delay Sending Impeachment To Senate, Cites Concerns Of ‘Unfair’ Trial

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-California) on Wednesday threatened to delay delivering articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump to the Senate, thus creating…

5 years ago

Majority Of House Members Support Trump Impeachment Inquiry After Ukraine Scandal [FULL LIST]

More than half of all members of the U.S. House of Representatives now say they support an impeachment inquiry into…

5 years ago

House Committee Investigating Elaine Chao Over Use Of Job To Benefit Family’s Shipping Company, Foremost Group

The House Oversight Committee announced Monday it will launch a probe into Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao to determine whether she used…

5 years ago

Merrick Garland, Obama’s Denied Supreme Court Pick, Could Rule On Whether To Release Trump’s Financial Records

Merrick Garland, whom Barack Obama nominated to the Supreme Court in 2016 but was rejected by Senate Republicans, hasn't been making any major…

5 years ago

Nancy Pelosi Says Country Is Facing A “Constitutional Crisis” Amid Feud With Trump White House [VIDEO]

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-California) stated Thursday she believes the United States is embroiled in a "constitutional crisis," echoing House Judiciary Committee…

5 years ago

Stacey Abrams Will Not Run For Senate In 2020 [VIDEO]

On Tuesday, Georgia Democrat Stacey Abrams announced she will not run for a Senate seat in 2020. Abrams, 45, did not state…

5 years ago

White House Chief Of Staff Mick Mulvaney Says Democrats Will “Never” See Trump’s Tax Returns

Donald Trump pledged during th 2016 campaign to release his tax returns, but now his administration is fighting Democrats' requests for…

5 years ago

40% Of Americans Think Trump Is “Not Cleared” Of Collusion By Mueller, 29% Think He’s “Cleared,” New Poll Finds

Special Counsel Robert Mueller may have found that President Donald Trump did not collude with Russia during the 2016 election, but an overwhelming number…

5 years ago

Ann Coulter: “The Only National Emergency Is That Our President Is An Idiot,” Trump Responds

Ann Coulter has never been one to shy away from controversial statements, and last week she blasted President Donald Trump yet again for…

6 years ago

House Democrats Announce Election Reform Bill To Make Election Day A National Holiday

Since regaining the majority in the House of Representatives last month, Democrats have been pushing for change on many issues,…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Blasts House Democrats For Questioning Of Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker

President Donald Trump on Saturday broke his brief silence to lambaste Democrats after yesterday's Senate Judiciary Committee for their "vicious"…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Threatens Government Shutdown Over Funding Border Wall

As the deadline to find funding for key parts of the federal government looms closer, President Donald Trump demanded Democrats…

6 years ago

New Trump Rule Allows Denial Of Coverage For Pre-Existing Conditions In Healthcare Exchanges

A new healthcare rule established by President Donald Trump's administration over the summer allows insurance companies to deny coverage to people…

6 years ago

Democrats Blast FBI Report On Kavanaugh Investigation As ‘Incomplete,’ Accuse White House Of Constraining Probe

Democratic lawmakers on Friday criticized the FBI's report on its investigation into Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, calling the inquiry "incomplete." "The…

6 years ago

Sens. Flake & Corker Want Delay In Brett Kavanaugh Vote After Sexual Assault Accusation From Christine Blasey Ford

Senate Judiciary Committee member Jeff Flake voiced opposition this weekend to proceeding with a vote to nominate Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court following…

6 years ago