You searched for: Donald Trump

Donald Trump Revokes Critic John Brennan’s Security Clearance

President Donald Trump announced Wednesday that he had revoked the security clearance of former CIA director John Brennan, hitting back…

6 years ago

Sarah Sanders “Can’t Guarantee” Donald Trump Has Never Used The N-Word

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said in a briefing on Tuesday that she "can't guarantee" that President Donald Trump didn't use…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Signs Defense Bill Named For John McCain – But Doesn’t Acknowledge McCain

On Monday, President Donald Trump signed the 2019 defense policy bill that bears the name of his Republican nemesis John…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Claims ‘Apprentice’ Creator Mark Burnett Told Him There Are No Tapes Of Him Using ‘N-Word’

President Donald Trump took to Twitter on Monday night to claim that Apprentice creator Mark Burnett had called him to confirm that there were not tapes…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Changes Story On Trump Tower Meeting Again, Says “To The Best Of My Knowledge” There Was No Followup

President Donald Trump changed his story again on the infamous Trump Tower meeting in 2016, saying in a statement to…

6 years ago

Former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe Says Democrats Should Consider Impeaching Donald Trump

On Sunday, former Governor of Virginia Terry McAuliffe called out President Donald Trump in an interview, saying "we ought to…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Condemns “All Types of Racism” On Charlottesville Anniversary

On Saturday morning, President Donald Trump acknowledged the one year anniversary of the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, by…

6 years ago

Rand Paul Delivers Letter From Donald Trump To Vladimir Putin In Moscow

On Wednesday, Senator Rand Paul delivered a letter from President Donald Trump to Russian President Vladimir Putin. “I was honored to…

6 years ago

Donald Trump’s Lawyers Reject Robert Mueller’s Latest Interview Offer

President Donald Trump's legal team has rejected Special Counsel Robert Mueller latest offer for an interview in the Russian investigation,…

6 years ago

Cory Booker Slams Donald Trump For His Attacks On The Media: “Those Are Things That Dictators Have Said”

Democrat Sen. Cory Booker slammed President Donald Trump's repeating attacks of the media, calling his behavior "moral vandalism" and an "assault…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Says Don Jr. Colluded With Russia To Get Dirt On Hillary Clinton In 2016 Trump Tower Meeting

On Sunday, President Donald Trump admitted that his eldest son Donald Jr. attempted to obtain damaging information about Hillary Clinton from a Russian lawyer during an infamous…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Jr. Compares Democratic Party To Nazis

White House adviser Donald Trump Jr. compared the Democratic party to the Nazi party during a screening of a conservative…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Attacks MSNBC And CNN On Twitter, Joe Scarborough Mocks President

On Thursday, President Donald Trump attacked MSNBC and CNN while touting Fox News, via his beloved Twitter. Trump praised Fox…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Claims At Florida Rally That Americans Need ID To Go Grocery Shopping

President Donald Trump claimed at a rally in Tampa, Florida, on Tuesday night that Americans need identification to go grocery shopping. "You…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Urges Jeff Sessions On Twitter To End Russia Probe: “Stop This Rigged Witch Hunt”

On Wednesday morning, President Donald Trump took to Twitter to demand that Attorney General Jeff Sessions stop special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian meddling…

6 years ago

Changing His Defense, Donald Trump Asserts “Collusion Is Not A Crime”

On Tuesday morning, President Donald Trump echoed the defense of his personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani by tweeting that “Collusion is…

6 years ago

Ron Reagan, Jr., President Reagan’s Son: Donald Trump’s Base “Really Aren’t Concerned With Reality”

The son of former President Ronald Reagan said Thursday that Donald Trump's political base would rather vote Vladimir Putin in…

6 years ago

51% Of Americans Think Vladimir Putin Has “Compromising Information” On Donald Trump

A new poll published this week says that 51% of American voters think that Russian President Vladimir Putin has dirt…

6 years ago

Lawsuit Against Donald Trump For Violating Constitution’s Emoluments Clause Moves Forward

President Donald Trump’s legal team lost their bid to dismiss a case against the president for violating the U.S. Constitution's…

6 years ago

Michael Avenatti, Lawyer For Stormy Daniels, Announces 3 New Clients With Claims Against Donald Trump

Michael Avenatti, the lawyer representing adult film actress Stormy Daniels otherwise known as Stephanie Clifford, announced at an event in West…

6 years ago