President Donald Trump blasted House Democrats’ impeachment inquiry as a “lynching” in a scathing tweet Tuesday morning, using one of his most controversial terms so far to criticize lawmakers’ investigation into him.

“So some day, if a Democrat becomes President and the Republicans win the House, even by a tiny margin, they can impeach the President, without due process or fairness or any legal rights,” Trump tweeted. “All Republicans must remember what they are witnessing here – a lynching. But we will WIN!”

Lynching refers to the practice of a group hanging an individual for an offense without holding a trial. Starting in the late 19th century, black Americans were often the victims of white lynch mobs. Trump’s use of the term to describe his impeachment inquiry is just the latest example of his racial insensitivity.

Several prominent African-American lawmakers, including Sen. Kamala Harris (D-California), rebuked Trump on Tuesday for comparing the impeachment investigation to an extrajudicial killing.

“Lynching is a reprehensible stain on this nation’s history, as is this President,” wrote the 2020 presidential candidate.

House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (D-South Carolina) also condemned Trump for his remarks in an interview on CNN.

“That is one word no president ought to apply to himself,” said Clyburn, the highest-ranking African-American in Congress. “That is a word that we ought to be very, very careful about using.”

Rep. Bobby Rush (D-Illinois) went even further and urged Trump to delete his post.


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Pablo Mena

Article by Pablo Mena

Writer for NY Giants and Rangers fan. Film and TV enthusiast (especially Harry Potter and The Office) and lover of foreign languages and cultures.

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