Senate Republicans vehemently objected to the Democratic-backed voting rights bill, S1 “For The People Act,” during a committee markup this week. The House passed its version of the bill last month. The GOP says that Democrats are creating legislation that is a “politically motivated federal takeover of the election system that would make elections more chaotic and less secure,” according to documents circulated among GOP aides in the Senate Rules Committee.

Republicans are expected to also fight against voter ID reforms including provisions that allow voters to fill out a sworn affidavit in the place of ID. The Senate Republicans’ report claims that such provisions “would render state voter ID laws meaningless.” Voter ID requirements often prevent the poor and underrepresented communities from voting.

Republicans accused Democrats of politicizing the Federal Election Commission, but Democrats pointed to provisions created during the Trump administration expressly designed for partisan advantage.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-New York) said Monday that “failure is not an option.” Schumer called a private caucus meeting for Senate Democrats in preparation for this week’s hearing.

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