Presidents are free to adjust the White House to suit their personal needs and, according to The Washington Post, a golf simulator was recently installed in Donald Trump‘s living space, replacing an older model Barack Obama installed. Multiple people familiar with the device have confirmed it cost around $50,000 and simulates areas from across the world.

One White House official confirms Trump paid for the machine and its installation out of his own pocket. The aide also noted that Trump hasn’t used his new golf simulator during his “executive time,” unstructured time he dedicates to himself. It was reported by Axios earlier this month that roughly 60 percent of the time Trump spends in the White House is executive time.

Trump, however, insists he is “generally working, not relaxing” during these periods:


Trump, a golf aficionado, has spent much of his free time on the green. According to a Post analysis, Trump has ventured out onto golf courses on about 139 separate occasions since taking office. On Feb. 2, Trump played with Tiger Woods and Jack Nicklaus on one of his own courses, marking his first game in 69 days, the longest stretch of time he went without playing golf.

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