Donald Trump

Roger Stone Sought Damaging Emails On Hillary Clinton From WikiLeaks – Report

Roger Stone had an even larger role in helping President Donald Trump win the 2016 election than previously believed. Roger Stone Wanted…

6 years ago

Jared Kushner Testified For 6-Hours This Week In Second Interview For Mueller’s Russia Probe

White House senior adviser Jared Kushner was summoned by investigators this week to testify in special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into possible Russian…

6 years ago

Mueller’s Russia Probe Could Go On For Months, New Court Filing Suggests [Full Court Documents]

A new court filing revealed on Wednesday that special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election could go…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Pushes Postmaster General Megan Brennan To Double Charges On Amazon Packages

President Donald Trump may have attempted to antagonize Amazon – and, by extension, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos – from the White…

6 years ago

Michael Cohen Sold Meeting Between Trump & Ukrainian President For $400,000 – Report

President Donald Trump's personal attorney Michael Cohen has caught himself in yet another financial corruption scandal, this time involving a negotiation of talks between…

6 years ago

Trump Questions Why Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe Isn’t Being Investigated

Former Deputy Director of the FBI Andrew McCabe, who was fired in March by Attorney General Jeff Sessions hours before he was…

6 years ago

Mike Pence Warns North Korea: Don’t “Play” Donald Trump

As the June 12 summit between the United States and North Korea looms, Vice President Mike Pence has a warning…

6 years ago

Jared Kushner Gains Permanent Security Clearance After Revising Forms At Least 40 Times

After a year-long FBI background check and two interviews with special counsel Robert Mueller, President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and senior…

6 years ago

Federal Judge Rules Donald Trump Can’t Block People On Twitter

U.S. District Court Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald ruled that President Donald Trump is violating individuals’ constitutional rights when he blocks…

6 years ago

Democrats Excluded From Department Of Justice Briefing On FBI “Informant” Demanded By Trump

There will be a meeting Thursday at the White House to discuss providing information on the FBI informant President Donald…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Refuses To Use Secure Smartphone For His Tweeting

President Donald Trump’s favorite pastime – tweeting – is done so from a White House phone that goes unchanged and…

6 years ago

Investigators Take First Look At Documents From Michael Cohen Raid

Criminal investigators are finally taking a look at materials seized during April 9 raids of the home, office and hotel…

6 years ago

Witch Hunt? Robert Mueller’s Russia Probe Has Netted 75 Criminal Charges & 22 Indictments – So Far

Since Robert S. Muller III was appointed special counsel to investigate collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign one year…

6 years ago

Dick Cheney Says He Still Supports CIA “Enhanced Interrogation” Program Despite The “Torture” Label

Dick Cheney, the former vice president during the George W. Bush administration, reveled that he still believes CIA "enhanced interrogation"…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Demands Investigation Into Whether Justice Dept. ‘Surveilled’ His Campaign

President Donald Trump has grown visibly exasperated with the Russia probe, and on Sunday made a bold new claim about the possibility…

6 years ago

Cambridge Analytica Files For Chapter 11 Bankruptcy In New York District Court

Cambridge Analytica, the company hired by President Donald Trump's 2016 campaign filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy following the revelation that…

6 years ago

Trump Chooses Mitch McConnell’s Inexperienced Brother-In-Law, Gordon Hartogensis, To Lead Pension Agency

President Donald Trump chose Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's brother-in-law as the next head of the Department of Labor's pension agency this week, and…

6 years ago

Christopher Wylie Says Steve Bannon Sought To Suppress Black Vote In 2016 Election

A whistleblower for Cambridge Analytica told lawmakers on Wednesday that the company used by President Donald Trump's campaign in 2016 attempted to suppress…

6 years ago

After Trump’s Request To Freeze Defamation Suit Is Denied, Summer Zervos Demands ‘Apprentice’ Tapes

On Thursday, a New York appeals court denied President Donald Trump's request to halt a defamation lawsuit from a woman who accused…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Calls Some Undocumented Immigrants “Animals”

President Donald Trump drew the ire of many elected officials and activists on Wednesday after he called illegal immigrants "animals" during a…

6 years ago