You searched for: John McCain

Kansas Department Of Transportation Calls Trump A “Delusional Communist” On Twitter, Responsible Official Fired

A Kansas Department of Transportation official has been dismissed from the agency after calling President Donald Trump a "delusional Communist" in a…

5 years ago

George Conway Says Trump’s Mental Health Is Deteriorating After Tweet-Storm: “His Condition Is Getting Worse”

George Conway plainly voiced his concern over President Donald Trump's mental state on Twitter this weekend. The conservative lawyer and husband of…

6 years ago

Michael Cohen: Trump Said “You Think I’m Stupid, I’m Not Going To Vietnam” On Serving In Military During War

President Donald Trump received multiple deferments to avoid serving in the Vietnam War, but his former personal lawyer Michael Cohen revealed new details Wednesday…

6 years ago

Elena Khusyaynova, Russian Woman Working For Putin Ally, Charged For Attempted Meddling In Midterms

A Russian woman who works for a close friend of President Vladimir Putin was charged by U.S. federal prosecutors on Friday for…

6 years ago

Mitch McConnell Says Republicans May Try To Repeal Obamacare Again After Midterms

Republican lawmakers have unsuccessfully tried to repeal the Affordable Care Act several times since President Donald Trump took office, but they may…

6 years ago

Prosecutor Rachel Mitchell Yanked By GOP Senators In Christine Blasey Ford Testimony, Emphasizing Party’s Mistake

Male Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee hired veteran Arizona sex crimes prosecutor Rachel Mitchell for Thursday's hearings in the hopes that…

6 years ago

VIDEO EXCLUSIVE: Jack Bryan On Documentary ‘Active Measures’ Part 2: Cambridge Analytica, Julian Assange-Russia Connection

Filmmaker Jack Bryan's explosive new documentary Active Measures is a detailed look at the history of the long relationship between President Donald Trump and Russian…

6 years ago

Who Wrote The Anonymous ‘Resistance’ Op-Ed In ‘The New York Times’?

After the publication of an extraordinary op-ed in the New York Times on Wednesday, describing a "resistance" against President Donald…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Wanted To Assassinate Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad, New Bob Woodward Book Claims

Journalist Bob Woodward alleges in his upcoming book Fear that President Donald Trump demanded last year that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad be assassinated. The claim was reported Tuesday…

6 years ago

Trump Defends Helsinki Performance, Says Russia Is No Longer Meddling In U.S. Elections

Following severe bipartisan backlash over his performance at the Helsinki Summit, President Donald Trump has dismissed critics as “haters” who…

6 years ago

Top Republicans Blast Donald Trump For His ‘Shameful’ Press Conference With Vladimir Putin

Top Congressional Republicans blasted President Donald Trump on Monday and Tuesday for his performance during a press conference with Russian…

6 years ago

Vladmir Putin Admits He Supported Donald Trump During Presidential Election: “Yes I Did!”

During Monday's Helsinki summit, Russian President Vladimir Putin admitted that he had wanted President Donald Trump to win the election,…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Defends Family Separations Amid Republican Backlash

Despite public outcry and mounting political pressure, President Donald Trump has remained firm with his zero-tolerance immigration policy. In April…

6 years ago

Dick Cheney Says He Still Supports CIA “Enhanced Interrogation” Program Despite The “Torture” Label

Dick Cheney, the former vice president during the George W. Bush administration, reveled that he still believes CIA "enhanced interrogation"…

6 years ago

Gina Haspel Confirmed As First Female CIA Director, With Help From Democrats

On Thursday, Gina Haspel was confirmed as the CIA's first-ever female director, thanks in part to a surprising number of Democrats who…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Warns Russia On Syria Strike – Says U.S. Missiles Will Be “Nice And New And Smart”

Donald Trump jumped on Twitter Wednesday morning to alert Russia that it should be prepared for an imminent military strike on…

6 years ago

President Trump Congratulates Vladimir Putin On Sham Election Win

Donald Trump called Vladimir Putin to congratulate the Russian leader on winning his third elected term as president on Sunday…

7 years ago

Ivanka Trump Says NBC Question About Father’s Accusers Is “Inappropriate,” Journalists Weigh In

After being asked about the validity of accusations of sexual misconduct against President Donald Trump, his daughter, Ivanka Trump, said…

7 years ago

President Trump Delivers “Fake News Awards” After All

On Wednesday night, President Donald Trump tweeted out a link to his followers touting this year's fake news award winners…

7 years ago

Sen. Mark Kelly Condemns Vance For Criticizing Walz’s Military Record

On Wednesday, Sen. Mark Kelly (D-Arizona) critized Republican vice presidential nominee Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio) for attacking the military record…

1 month ago