You searched for: Donald Trump

Donald Trump Alledgedly Helped His Parents Avoid Taxes, Performed “Outright Fraud”

Donald Trump helped his parents, Fred Trump and Mary Anne Trump, "dodge taxes" in the Nineties, sometimes performing "outright fraud" while…

6 years ago

Donald Trump: “It’s A Very, Very Scary Time For Young Men In America”

On Tuesday, President Donald Trump verbally attacked Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, a decision that was met with derision from even some within his own…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Attacks Christine Blasey Ford At Mississippi Rally, Crowd Chants “Lock Her Up!” [VIDEO]

President Donald Trump attended a rally at Mississippi on Tuesday where he defended his Supreme Court pick Brett Kavanaugh and attacked…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Says He And Kim Jong-Un Wrote Each Other Letters & ‘Fell In Love’ [VIDEO]

President Donald Trump has openly admitted his admiration for authoritarian leaders before, but on Saturday he took it to a whole other…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Mocks ABC News’ Cecilia Vega At Press Conference: “I Know You’re Not Thinking, You Never Do” [VIDEO]

President Donald Trump is well known by now for belittling women and the media, and on Monday he mocked both. Trump was…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Says George Washington ‘May Have Had A Bad Past’ At Press Conference [VIDEO]

On Wednesday, President Donald Trump continued to support Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh amid multiple allegations of sexual misconduct. During a press conference, Trump…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Says He “Meant” For Audience To Laugh At His U.N. Speech [VIDEO]

Before Donald Trump took the oath of office, he frequently claimed other countries were laughing at the United States, as…

6 years ago

Will Rod Rosenstein Be Fired Or Quit? His Fate Will Be Decided At Thursday Meeting With Donald Trump

Although Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein dodge the bullet Monday, the DOJ is still in danger of losing its second…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Attacks Brett Kavanaugh’s Second Accuser Deborah Ramirez: “She Was Drunk”

As allegations of sexual misconduct continue to emerge around Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, defenders of the Washington D.C., judge…

6 years ago

Ken Starr: Robert Mueller’s Investigation Into Donald Trump Is “Definitely Not A Witch Hunt”

Former special prosecutor Ken Starr is best known for his work during Bill Clinton's administration, where he lead an inquires…

6 years ago

Rod Rosenstein Denies Report He Proposed Secretly Taping Donald Trump & Using 25th Amendment To Remove Him

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein reportedly said last year that he wanted to secretly record President Donald Trump and invoke the 25th Amendment of…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Blasts Christine Ford On Twitter: ‘Charges Would Have Been Filed’ If Assault Was ‘As Bad As She Says’

President Donald Trump continued defending Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh on Friday, but this time he also went after Kavanaugh's sexual assault accuser Christine…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Praises Lake Norman Golf Courses While Visiting Hurricane Florence Victims In North Carolina

On Wednesday, President Donald Trump asked about the condition of a North Carolina lake adjacent to one of his golf courses while…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Explodes On Jeff Sessions In New Interview: “I Don’t Have An Attorney General”

President Donald Trump has not enjoyed a loving relationship with his Attorney General Jeff Sessions, recently blaming him for the charges that…

6 years ago

Polish President Andrzej Duda Asks Donald Trump To Build U.S. Base, Calls It “Fort Trump”

Presidents Donald Trump and Andrzej Duda met for a joint news conference on Tuesday, and one of the topics brought up…

6 years ago

Hillary Clinton Predicts Donald Trump Will “Wholesale Fire People” After Midterms

Hillary Clinton has maintained a fairly low profile after the 2016 presidential election concluded, but her interest in politics and…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Orders Declassification Of Surveillance Application Targeting Carter Page, Release Of James Comey Text Messages

On Monday, President Donald Trump ordered the declassification of 20 pages of a surveillance documented aimed at former campaign adviser Carter Page.  Trump…

6 years ago

Michael Avenatti Says Robert Mueller Should Indict Donald Trump In ‘New York Times’ Op-Ed

Michael Avenatti, the lawyer for adult film star Stormy Daniels in her lawsuit against President Donald Trump, wrote an op-ed…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Rejects Puerto Rico Death Toll, Accuses Democrats Of Inflating Figures

On Thursday, President Donald Trump falsely accused Democrats in a pair of tweets of inflating the death toll from Hurricane Maria…

6 years ago

47% Of Americans Want Donald Trump Impeached & Removed From Office, New Poll Says

Nearly half of all registered American voters — 47 percent — say Congress should begin impeachment proceedings that could lead…

6 years ago