You searched for: Donald Trump

Donald Trump Employed Illegal Immigrants As Personal Housekeepers

A large part of President Donald Trump’s appeal to conservative voters is based on his hardline stance on immigration. Building…

6 years ago

Corey Lewandowski & Florida GOP State Senators Almost Get Into Fight Over Donald Trump

President Donald Trump's former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski on Wednesday evening got into a contentious argument with Florida Republican officials over Trump's influence…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Attacks ‘Totally Conflicted’ Rod Rosenstein, Robert Mueller & Others On Twitter For ‘Conflicts Of Interest’

President Donald Trump went on another Twitter outburst early Friday morning, this time attacking Robert Mueller and Rod Rosenstein over what he perceives are "big time…

6 years ago

Prosecutors Recommend ‘Substantial’ Prison Term Of 4 Years For Michael Cohen, Donald Trump’s Ex-Lawyer

Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump's former personal lawyer and "fixer," should receive a "substantial" prison term of about four years, federal prosecutors…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Nominates William Barr As Next Attorney General

President Donald Trump announced Friday morning he would nominate William Barr to become the next permanent U.S. Attorney General. Barr — who previously served…

6 years ago

Rudy Giuliani Tweets Wrong URL, Opponent Purchases Site Adding Message: “Donald J. Trump Is A Traitor”

Rudy Giuliani has grown into one of Donald Trump's most vocal supporters, working with the president as part of his…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Calls Himself “Tariff Man” When Threatening China, Stock Markets Plummet

Donald Trump announced on Tuesday that he was working with China President Xi Jinping at the G20 summit on a trade…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Accuses Caravan Migrants Of Being Child “Grabbers” – Using Kids As “Human Shields”

President Donald Trump has again highlighted the immigrant caravan, accusing those in it of being dangerous and of being "grabbers"…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Demands “Full And Complete” Prison Sentence For Michael Cohen, Claims Mueller Seeks ‘Lies’ From Witnesses

President Donald Trump lashed out at Michael Cohen on Twitter Monday morning, demanding that his former longtime personal lawyer receive a longer prison sentence…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Says He Doesn’t Believe In “Man-Made” Climate Change

Donald Trump has remained a skeptic of climate change. One of his acts as president was to withdraw from the…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Labeled ‘Individual 1,’ Main Subject Of Interest In Mueller Probe

President Donald Trump this week was given a legal code name as a major person of interest in special counsel Robert Mueller's inquiry:…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Tweets About Mueller, Running For President While Managing Business: “Very Legal & Very Cool”

President Donald Trump went on another Twitter rampage early Friday morning ahead of the G20 Summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina, complaining about…

6 years ago

Donald Trump: Paul Manafort Pardon Is “Not Off The Table” After Ex-Campaign Chairman’s Guilty Plea [VIDEO]

On Wednesday, President Donald Trump said in an interview that pardoning his former campaign chairman Paul Manafort is still a possibility, despite Manafort pleading…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Shares Meme Of Barack Obama, Rod Rosenstein & Clintons Behind Prison Bars For ‘Treason’ [PHOTO]

President Donald Trump went on another tweet-storm Wednesday, this time sharing a meme showing several prominent Democrats, including Barack Obama and Bill and Hillary Clinton, in prison for treason.…

6 years ago

Paul Manafort’s Lawyer Kevin Downing Briefed Donald Trump’s Legal Team Over Russia Investigation

Paul Manafort, Donald Trump's former campaign chairman, broke his plea deal with the special counsel. PAUL MANAFORT NEWS Reportedly, one of Manafort's…

6 years ago

Mia Love Slams Donald Trump In Her Concession Speech

Republican Mia Love lost her seat in the House to Democrat Ben McAdams during the midterm election. On Monday, she gave a…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Thanks Himself – Again – For Accomplishments: “Thanks President T!”

In a Thanksgiving weekend tweet, President Donald Trump thanked himself again for his administration’s accomplishments, marking the second time he…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Threatens Government Shutdown Over Funding Border Wall

As the deadline to find funding for key parts of the federal government looms closer, President Donald Trump demanded Democrats…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Escalates Feud With Chief Justice John Roberts

Chief Justice of the Supreme Court John Roberts responded to accusations of bias made by President Donald Trump against Judge…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Wanted To Order Justice Department To Prosecute Hillary Clinton & James Comey

President Donald Trump reportedly wanted to use the Justice Department to prosecute and silence his political adversaries, namely Hillary Clinton and…

6 years ago