
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Wants Anthony Fauci & Bill Gates Prosecuted Over Covid-19 Deaths

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a prominent anti-vaccine activist, called for Dr. Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates to be criminally prosecuted for allegedly profiting off of the Covid-19 pandemic in an interview on Tuesday with former President Donald Trump‘s ex-personal attorney Michael Cohen on his podcast, Mea Culpa.

There is no evidence that either Fauci or Gates have profited from Covid-19 treatments.

After speaking with Cohen about how nasty American political discourse has become in recent years, RFK Jr. said that Fauci was solely responsible for the grim coronavirus death toll. Most experts fault Trump’s bungling of the pandemic, along with his claims that it was a Chinese hoax and that a virus that can be cured by injecting bleach.


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Based on your findings, do you believe that Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates should be investigated for criminal wrongdoing?

RFK Jr.:



Plain and simple?

RFK Jr.:

Of course. I mean, I think Fauci’s policies – 80% of the people who died from COVID should not have died. We should’ve been doing early treatment like the Chinese did. The Chinese put early treatment protocols with chloroquine, which is hydroxy – the cousin of the hydroxychloroquine. In April, they had protocols with all the drugs we know are effective, anti-coagulants, anti-inflammatory steroids, hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine, and then vitamins, Vitamin D… they had dozens and dozens of Chinese herbs on their protocol that they published.

And guess what? They obliterated the pandemic after a month and a half using early treatment, the Chinese had three deaths per million population, you know, but Tony Fauci, had 2,200 Americans. We have the biggest body count in the world because of his policies. We have, we have 4.2% of the global population. We had 14.5% of the casualty COVID casualties. Why is that a success? Right. Of course he should be criminally prosecuted because what he did was clearly, clearly demonstrably purposeful. And I can prove that in front of a jury. We know. And if you, if you read my book, just the first chapter, you will see that indictment laid out clear as day.

He deliberately sabotaged by using fraudulent methodologies, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and promoted a drug that he knew was deadly, Remdesivir.

Brandon Gage

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  • This gene therapy is not a vaccine!!!! It’s all a lie to profit and depopulate Americans!!! But certain groups and immigrants are not being mandated??? That’s discrimination!! Plus this Fauci communist in 2017 had said on tape Cspan to be exact , that there would be an upcoming pandemic in the near future?? Isn’t that interesting? How would he no such a criminal stunt?? Unless he was involved in the killing of all who have died from what are now facing, with this guys sick actions !!!!!!! Also does not recognize natural immunity? From people who had Covid? Does not recognize ivermectin or hydrochloriquin?? Which thousands have taken it with 100% recovery??? Why !!!! Because The Whole Biden, Gates, Soros and sick Fauci are trying to reset the world to control depopulate and promote communism!!!!! Lock them all up for life, and that is letting them off easy!!!

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