President Donald Trump renewed his attacks on the United Kingdom following the leak of confidential diplomatic cables from the British ambassador to the U.S. which labeled Trump as “inept,” “insecure” and “incompetent.”


“The wacky Ambassador that the U.K. foisted upon the United States is not someone we are thrilled with, a very stupid guy,” the president wrote on Twitter Tuesday.

In a later tweet, he mentioned that he didn’t “know the Ambassador but have been told he is a pompous fool. Tell him the USA now has the best Economy & Military anywhere in the World, by far…” he completed his train of thought in a subsequent tweet, writing, “…and they are both only getting bigger, better, and stronger…..thank you, Mr. President!”

The president’s insults come as a response to the harsh words of the ambassador, Kim Darroch, who repeatedly showed his disdain for the Trump administration in his cables to 10 Downing Street. “We don’t really believe this Administration is going to become substantially more normal; less dysfunctional; less unpredictable; less faction riven; less diplomatically clumsy and inept,” Darroch reportedly wrote in one of the cables.

Trump also attacked Theresa May, the temporary Prime Minister of Britain, for failing to negotiate a Brexit deal with the European Union and her own Parliament. “I told @theresa_may how to do that deal, but she went her own foolish way-was unable to get it done. A disaster!”

May announced that she was stepping down from her role as head of the United Kingdom earlier this year, after facing an overwhelming rejection from Parliament over her proposed Brexit deal. She continues to serve in her role as the Conservative party fights among itself to determine who will be the next prime minister. The current frontrunner, Boris Johnson, is a hardline Brexiteer who would possibly lead Britain into a no-deal Brexit, leaving the country without any economic connections. In such a situation positive relations with the United States would be essential in order to form a beneficial trade agreement to help the U.K. recover from the financial strain of crashing out of the European economic zone.

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Article by Daniel Knopf

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