
Sen. Bernie Sanders Calls On Biden To Condition Aid To Israel

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) asked that President Joe Biden deny Israel any further funding unless it agrees to send more…

9 months ago

In Israel, Biden Announces Agreement To Bring Aid To Gaza’s Civilians

On Wednesday, President Joe Biden supported the Israeli government's claims that it was not responsible for the fatal explosion at…

1 year ago

Sen. Bernie Sanders Tries To Block $735 Million Arms Sale To Israel

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) tried and failed to block a $735 million arms sale to Israel this week. His effort…

4 years ago

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas Rejects Jared Kushner’s Mideast Peace Plan For Favoring Israel

President Donald Trump announced on Tuesday his plan for the Middle East. The plan, although mentioning the possible future creation…

5 years ago

Palestinian Leaders Reject Jared Kushner’s Peace Plan Including Economic Deal & Bahrain Conference

The Palestinian Authority has rejected the economic portion of the Palestinian-Israeli proposed by Senior Advisor to the White House Jared…

5 years ago