New York Post

Murdoch-Owned ‘N.Y. Post’ & ‘Wall St. Journal’ Blast Trump As ‘Unworthy’ To Be President After Jan. 6

Media mogul Rupert Murdoch, who owns Fox News, the New York Post and the Wall Street Journal, seems to have…

3 years ago

GOP Rep. Darrell Issa Files Preservation Letters On Hunter Biden’s Laptop

Republican Rep. Darrell Issa (California) criticized Democrats and the media for censoring coverage of Hunter Biden's laptop to protect and…

3 years ago

Anti-Mask Tabloid ‘New York Post’ Requires Employees To Wear Masks

The New York Post, a tabloid with a history of spouting anti-mask sentiments, informed its employees earlier this month that…

4 years ago

‘New York Post’ Reporter Quits After Being ‘Ordered’ To Falsely Write Kamala Harris’ Book Was Given To Migrant Children

The New York Post pulled, edited and later republished a story falsely claiming that copies of Vice President Kamala Harris' book were included…

4 years ago

Trump Ally ‘The New York Post’ Blasts President’s False Claims: ‘Stop The Insanity’

As the end of Donald Trump's tenure as United States president is approaching, there are still a few important dates…

4 years ago

‘New York Post’ Criticized For Hunter Biden Report, Which Was Possibly Part Of A Russian Disinformation Operation

In a recent front page story, the New York Post published a report claiming that Hunter Biden allegedly introduced Ukrainian…

4 years ago

Donald Trump: Paul Manafort Pardon Is “Not Off The Table” After Ex-Campaign Chairman’s Guilty Plea [VIDEO]

On Wednesday, President Donald Trump said in an interview that pardoning his former campaign chairman Paul Manafort is still a possibility, despite Manafort pleading…

6 years ago