intelligence briefings

Trump May Be High Risk To National Security As He Leaves Office With Top-Secret IntelligenceTrump May Be High Risk To National Security As He Leaves Office With Top-Secret Intelligence

Trump May Be High Risk To National Security As He Leaves Office With Top-Secret Intelligence

A Biden administration may have a unique national security threat – his predecessor Donald Trump, who will leave with an…

4 years ago
Trump Outraged That House Intel Committee Was Briefed On Russia Meddling In 2020 ElectionTrump Outraged That House Intel Committee Was Briefed On Russia Meddling In 2020 Election

Trump Outraged That House Intel Committee Was Briefed On Russia Meddling In 2020 Election

House lawmakers were briefed last Thursday that Russia is once again meddling in the 2020 election to help President Donald…

5 years ago
Trump Reportedly Refuses To Listen To Intelligence Briefers, Who Call His Attitude “Willful Ignorance”Trump Reportedly Refuses To Listen To Intelligence Briefers, Who Call His Attitude “Willful Ignorance”

Trump Reportedly Refuses To Listen To Intelligence Briefers, Who Call His Attitude “Willful Ignorance”

It is known by now that President Donald Trump often dismisses his intelligence briefers, and last week these senior officials commented on…

6 years ago