Donald Trump

Donald Trump Calls Female Reporter ‘Obnoxious’ & Tells Her To ‘Be Quiet’

President Donald Trump did not take kindly to reporters shouting questions at him on the White House lawn on Friday.…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Appears Envious Of Kim Jong-un’s Dictatorship In New Comments

President Donald Trump made several comments complimenting the “respect” North Korean leader Kim Jong-un commands from his people following their…

6 years ago

Rudy Giuliani Says Demand To End Mueller Probe Just A Bluff

Rudy Giuliani, President Donald Trump’s personal attorney, said in an interview with Politico that he was simply bluffing when he…

6 years ago

Top Speakers Bureau Drops Corey Lewandowski After Mocking Migrant Girl With Down Syndrome

Corey Lewandowski has started suffering consequences for his recent insensitive comment about a young migrant girl. Corey Lewandowski Dropped By Speakers…

6 years ago

Trump Tells House Republicans To “Stop Wasting Their Time” On New Immigration Bill

President Donald Trump promised Republican lawmakers earlier this week that he would completely support them amid the national controversy on immigration. On…

6 years ago

‘National Enquirer’ Sent Stories About Trump To Michael Cohen Before Publishing – Report

The National Enquirer allowed President Donald Trump's personal lawyer Michael Cohen to read articles about Trump or his political adversaries before publishing them, it…

6 years ago

Jeff Sessions Says Trump Administration ‘Never Intended’ For Immigrant Families To Be Separated

In an interview on Thursday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions appeared to soften his tone about President Donald Trump's administration's "zero-tolerance" illegal immigration policy…

6 years ago

Trump Plans To Overhaul Federal Government By Scaling Back Social Welfare Programs

On Thursday, President Donald Trump's administration announced a plan to overhaul the federal government that would include the rolling back or…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Barbs Angela Merkel About German Crime Rate In Tweet

In a Tweet on Monday, President Donald Trump criticized Germany’s open-door refugee policy by claiming the policy was responsible for…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Says North Korea Is “No Longer A Nuclear Threat”

President Donald Trump is claiming on Twitter that North Korea no longer poses a nuclear threat with Pyongyang's significant weapons…

6 years ago

Donald Trump To Sign Executive Action To Stop Family Separations After Outcry

President Donald Trump announced on Wednesday that he will be signing an executive order to halt his administration’s policy of…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Threatens Additional Tariffs On $200 Billion Of Chinese Goods

President Donald Trump has threatened to impose tariffs on an extra $200 billion worth of Chinese goods and potentially more…

6 years ago

U.S. Withdraws From Human Rights Council After Commissioner Denounced Trump’s Immigration Policy

At the 38th session of the Human Rights Council, U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra'ad al-Hussein called on…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Wants U.S. To Dominate Space By Establishing ‘Space Force’

President Donald Trump directed the pentagon to establish a sixth branch of the U.S. military at a National Space Council…

6 years ago

Rudy Giuliani Says Donald Trump Will ‘Easily’ Win Second Term, Especially If ‘Moron’ Biden Runs

Rudy Giuliani, President Donald Trump’s personal attorney and failed 2008 presidential candidate, predicts an easy re-election for Trump in the…

6 years ago

Despite Previous Comments From Trump, White House Now Says It Supports Bill To Shield Dreamers

Although President Donald Trump said Friday on Fox & Friends that he would not sign a “moderate” immigration proposal scheduled…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Got Bored At North Korean Summit – And Tried To Change Schedule

After touching down in Singapore, President Donald J Trump instructed advisers to push the highly anticipated North Korean Summit up…

6 years ago

U.S. To Impose $50 Billion In Tariffs On Chinese Goods; China Says It Will Retaliate

On Friday, President Donald Trump's administration announced it would impose 25 percent tariffs on $50 billion worth of Chinese goods, thus…

6 years ago

Migrant Children Held In Texas Detention Center See Mural Of Trump Quote About Evicting Tenants

A detention center in Texas, where roughly 1,500 immigrant children are being held, is drawing attention for a mural of…

6 years ago

Trump Salutes North Korean General, White House Defends President Amid Backlash

On Thursday, North Korean stated media released footage of Kim Jong-un's summit with President Donald Trump that showed the American leader doing something…

6 years ago