border security

Lawyers Cannot Find Parents Of 545 Migrant Children Separated Under Trump Immigration Policy

Lawyers cannot find the parents of 545 migrant children whose parents were separated from them, under a 2018 Trump administration…

4 years ago

VIDEO EXCLUSIVE: John Hickenlooper On Reforming Immigration

Immigration and border security have become highly controversial topics since President Donald Trump took office, and former 2020 Democratic presidential candidate John…

6 years ago

VIDEO EXCLUSIVE: Indivisible’s Angel Padilla On Fighting Trump’s Immigration Policies

President Donald Trump's immigration policies have become increasingly hard-line since he took office, but luckily there are several progressive organizations striving…

6 years ago

VIDEO EXCLUSIVE: Democratic 2020 Presidential Candidate John Delaney On His Immigration Plan

Immigration has become one of the most highly debated issues in recent years, especially since President Donald Trump's 2016 campaign included…

6 years ago

Trump Says He’s “Not Happy” With Congress’s New Border Security Deal, Doesn’t Say If He’ll Veto It

On Tuesday, President Donald Trump said he was "not happy" with a bipartisan deal lawmakers reached Monday on border security, although he…

6 years ago

Mick Mulvaney Says Trump Wants To Shut Down Government Again In Three Weeks [VIDEO]

The longest government shutdown in American history may have ended on Friday after 35 days, but President Donald Trump is prepared to…

6 years ago

New Poll Shows 47% Of Voters Blame Trump & Republicans For Shutdown

A new poll published on Tuesday reveals nearly half of American voters blame President Donald Trump and GOP lawmakers for the partial…

6 years ago