abortion ban

Legal Abortions In The U.S. Have Spiked Despite State BansLegal Abortions In The U.S. Have Spiked Despite State Bans

Legal Abortions In The U.S. Have Spiked Despite State Bans

June marked a year since the constitutional right to abortion was overturned by the Supreme Court, and its results might…

1 year ago
Thousands March To Protest Restrictions On Abortion RightsThousands March To Protest Restrictions On Abortion Rights

Thousands March To Protest Restrictions On Abortion Rights

On Saturday, hundreds of protests were organized across all 50 states to condemn restrictions on abortion rights. Over 660 marches…

3 years ago
Texas Valedictorian Paxton Smith Goes Viral Delivering Speech Condemning Anti-Abortion Heartbeat BillTexas Valedictorian Paxton Smith Goes Viral Delivering Speech Condemning Anti-Abortion Heartbeat Bill

Texas Valedictorian Paxton Smith Goes Viral Delivering Speech Condemning Anti-Abortion Heartbeat Bill

A Texas high school valedictorian has gone viral for delivering a surprise speech condemning her state's newest restrictive abortion law.…

4 years ago
Appeals Court Is Allowing Texas To Ban Abortions During Coronavirus PandemicAppeals Court Is Allowing Texas To Ban Abortions During Coronavirus Pandemic

Appeals Court Is Allowing Texas To Ban Abortions During Coronavirus Pandemic

A federal appeals court ruled on Tuesday that Texas can keep its temporary ban on abortion amid the coronavirus pandemic. …

5 years ago