You searched for: roger stone

Michael Cohen’s Congressional Testimony: Donald Trump Is “A Racist. He Is A Conman. He Is A Cheat”

Michael Cohen formerly enjoyed a close relationship with Donald Trump, working as his lawyer and “fixer.” But the mutual respect…

6 years ago

Trump Won’t Commit To Publicly Releasing Mueller’s Russia Report

President Donald Trump on Sunday refused to commit to releasing the results of special counsel Robert Mueller's report of his investigation on Russia's…

6 years ago

Does Russian Model Anastasia Vashukevich, AKA “Nasty Rybka,” Know The Secrets Of The Trump-Russia Scandal?

The last year has not been kind to Anastasia Vashukevich, known as “Nasty Rybka” across her social media accounts. Last…

6 years ago

Robert Mueller’s Russia Probe Grand Jury Granted 6-Month Extension

Special Counsel Robert Mueller's federal grand jury was granted a six-month extension to pursue criminal activity relating to Russian interference…

6 years ago

13 Trump Associates Found To Have Had Contact With Russians During 2016 Campaign

After more than 18 months, Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election — and potential collusion…

6 years ago

House Democrats To Send Mueller Transcripts Of Trump Aides’ Testimonies For Perjury Investigation

Democrats are planning to send Special Counsel Robert Mueller testimony transcripts of many of President Donald Trump’s closest aides as…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Labeled ‘Individual 1,’ Main Subject Of Interest In Mueller Probe

President Donald Trump this week was given a legal code name as a major person of interest in special counsel Robert Mueller's inquiry:…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Goes On Twitter Tirade Against Robert Mueller As Russia Investigation Pressure Mounts

President Donald Trump says he is aware of information regarding special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation that has not been…

6 years ago

Randy Credico Subpoenaed By Robert Mueller As “Backchannel” Between Trump Campaign & Wikileaks

As part of the ongoing Russia probe, special counsel Robert Mueller recently subpoenaed radio show host Randy Credico, who allegedly served…

6 years ago

Alex Jones To Sue January 6 Committee, Will Plead The Fifth

Conservative radio host Alex Jones plans to sue the January 6 select committee to block the release of his phone…

3 years ago

Trump Comes Closer To Revealing Whistleblower’s Identity, Says ‘He’s An Obama Guy’

President Donald Trump on Sunday repeated his demand that the identity of the infamous whistleblower whose complaint sparked the House's impeachment inquiry…

5 years ago

Top CIA Operative With Access To Putin Extracted From Russia After Worries That Trump Might Blow His Cover

The United States successfully extracted in 2017 a top CIA informant from Russia who had access to President Vladimir Putin, it was…

5 years ago

Italian Government Revokes Steve Bannon’s Lease On Monastery He Used As Far-Right Training Academy

The Italian government's cultural heritage ministry announced Friday that it would revoke a lease given to Steve Bannon for a medieval monastery…

5 years ago

George Conway Says Trump’s Mental Health Is Deteriorating After Tweet-Storm: “His Condition Is Getting Worse”

George Conway plainly voiced his concern over President Donald Trump's mental state on Twitter this weekend. The conservative lawyer and husband of…

6 years ago

Andrew McCabe: Trump Said “I Don’t Care, I Believe Putin” When Given U.S. Intel On North Korea [VIDEO]

Former interim FBI Director Andrew McCabe dropped a major revelation in a bombshell interview that aired Sunday: President Donald Trump believed Russian President Vladimir Putin over…

6 years ago

Jared Kushner Used $100,000 Of Donor Money From Trump 2020 Re-Election Campaign For Legal Defense

President Donald Trump's campaign spent almost $100,000 of donor money on a law firm representing Trump's senior adviser and son-in-law, Jared Kushner, it…

6 years ago

Nancy Pelosi Says Democrats Won’t Be Intimidated By Trump After State Of The Union Threat

President Donald Trump may have threatened Democratic lawmakers during Tuesday night's State of the Union speech for investigating him, but Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.)…

6 years ago

Trump Reportedly Refuses To Listen To Intelligence Briefers, Who Call His Attitude “Willful Ignorance”

It is known by now that President Donald Trump often dismisses his intelligence briefers, and last week these senior officials commented on…

6 years ago

Trump Inaugural Committee Subpoenaed Over Alleged Illegal Foreign Donations

On Monday, federal prosecutors delivered a subpoena to President Donald Trump's 2017 inauguration committee, the latest development in the many inquiries…

6 years ago

Robert Mueller Says Russian Trolls Doctored Documents In “Disinformation Campaign” To Discredit His Probe

On Wednesday, Special Counsel Robert Mueller stated in a filing that documents in his criminal case against a Russian troll organization were…

6 years ago