The testimony Michael Cohen gave before Congress on Wednesday was electric, covering many illicit activities of his former boss, Donald Trump. Cohen made several new allegations against Trump, at one point admitting he wrote letters to the schools Trump attended on his behalf demanding them not to release his transcripts or SAT scores. Cohen presented one of those letters to Congress, the one he had written to Fordham University. In the letter, Cohen writes they will take legal action should the school fail to comply in keeping Trump's records a secret, threatening "substantial fines, penalties and even the potential loss of government aid and other funding." Additionally, Cohen added the person who leaked Trump's grades would face jail time. Here's a letter Michael Cohen wrote to Fordham University a month before Donald Trump launched his presidential campaign, threatening them with legal action if they released Trump's college records. Includes a remarkable P.S. — Jon Swaine (@jonswaine) February 27, 2019 There is an irony in Trump's effort to hide his grades, given that he demanded that Barack Obama's made public.