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Elena Khusyaynova, Russian Woman Working For Putin Ally, Charged For Attempted Meddling In Midterms

A Russian woman who works for a close friend of President Vladimir Putin was charged by U.S. federal prosecutors on Friday for…

6 years ago

U.S. Deficit Soars To Highest Level Since 2012 Under Republican Tax Plan

Republicans argued their revised tax law would benefit the economy, but recent data from the Treasury Department shows it increased…

6 years ago

1983 Letter Written By Brett Kavanaugh Shows His Social Group: “Loud, Obnoxious Drunks With Prolific Pukers”

Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's character is currently under intense scrutiny, and a piece of evidence hailing from his time…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Attacks ‘Rude’ Brett Kavanaugh Protesters On Twitter, Accuses Them Of Being Paid By George Soros

President Donald Trump attacked people protesting Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court in a tweet on Friday morning, accusing them of being…

6 years ago

Sens. Susan Collins, Jeff Flake & Joe Manchin Vote To Advance Kavanaugh Nomination; Will Announce Final Decision Friday Afternoon

Sen. Susan Collins voted to advance Judge Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court on Friday. Collins, a moderate GOP member, is considered…

6 years ago

1,700 Law Professors Sign Letter Opposing Brett Kavanaugh Confirmation [FULL LETTER]

Hundreds of protesters have taken to the streets in Washington, D.C., and other parts of the country to voice their…

6 years ago

Democrats Blast FBI Report On Kavanaugh Investigation As ‘Incomplete,’ Accuse White House Of Constraining Probe

Democratic lawmakers on Friday criticized the FBI's report on its investigation into Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, calling the inquiry "incomplete." "The…

6 years ago

Kavanaugh FBI Report Released, Senate Judiciary Chairman Grassley Says ‘No Hint Of Misconduct’

On Thursday morning, senators began reading the FBI report on its investigation into Brett Kavanaugh, and Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley said there…

6 years ago

Donald Trump: “It’s A Very, Very Scary Time For Young Men In America”

On Tuesday, President Donald Trump verbally attacked Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, a decision that was met with derision from even some within his own…

6 years ago

FBI Probe Into Brett Kavanaugh Could End Soon, Many Potential Witnesses Have Not Been Interviewed

The FBI's investigation into Brett Kavanaugh appears to be nearing its end according several published reports. Moreover, it seems the FBI will…

6 years ago

Senate Judiciary Committee Approves Brett Kavanaugh, But Jeff Flake Asks For FBI Investigation Ahead Of Final Vote

On Friday afternoon, the Senate Judiciary Committee pushed to advance Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court, although Sen. Jeff Flake…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Attacks Brett Kavanaugh’s Second Accuser Deborah Ramirez: “She Was Drunk”

As allegations of sexual misconduct continue to emerge around Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, defenders of the Washington D.C., judge…

6 years ago

Brett Kavanaugh & Sexual Assault Accuser Christine Ford To Testify On Monday Before Senate Judiciary Committee

On Monday, a date was set for the hearings for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who accused Kavanaugh…

6 years ago

Sens. Flake & Corker Want Delay In Brett Kavanaugh Vote After Sexual Assault Accusation From Christine Blasey Ford

Senate Judiciary Committee member Jeff Flake voiced opposition this weekend to proceeding with a vote to nominate Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court following…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Still Wants To Fire Jeff Sessions, But Says He’s Safe Until After Midterms

President Donald Trump has not stopped talking about firing Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the man he publicly has an ongoing…

6 years ago

John McCain Called For Country To Unite In Farewell Letter, Says He “Lived & Died A Proud American” [FULL LETTER]

Late Sen. John McCain urged Americans to unite in his farewell letter despite the increasingly tense political climate. The Arizona…

6 years ago

Democrats Demands Hearings Into Trump-Putin Helsinki Summit “Immediately”

Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer is demanding for his Republican counterpart, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, and the Republican leadership team…

6 years ago

GOP Sen. Susan Collins Says She Won’t Vote For Supreme Court Nominee Who Would Overturn Roe Vs. Wade

Senator Susan Collins, a moderate Republican from Maine, made it clear over the weekend that she would not confirm a Supreme Court…

6 years ago

Who Are The Top Contenders For Trump To Pick As Next Supreme Court Justice Replacing Anthony Kennedy?

With news of Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy’s impending retirement, President Donald Trump must now hurry to find his replacement…

6 years ago

Democrats Call Republican Supreme Court Vote The “Absolute Height of Hypocrisy”

Senate Democrats are pushing to delay confirming President Donald Trump’s nomination for a new Supreme Court justice until after midterm…

6 years ago