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Senate Adds Rebuke Of Trump’s Syria Policy To Bill On Troops In Afghanistan

On Monday, the Republican-led Senate voted to include condemning President Donald Trump's Syria policy in a bill scheduled to pass the…

6 years ago

Mick Mulvaney Says Trump Wants To Shut Down Government Again In Three Weeks [VIDEO]

The longest government shutdown in American history may have ended on Friday after 35 days, but President Donald Trump is prepared to…

6 years ago

Proportion Of Uninsured Americans Hit 13.7%, A 4-Year High, After GOP’s Obamacare Rollbacks

The proportion of uninsured Americans reached 13.7% during the fourth quarter of 2018, the highest rate since 2014, it was…

6 years ago

Trump Caves, Says He Will Delay State Of The Union Until After Shutdown Ends

On Wednesday evening, President Donald Trump announced he would deliver his State of the Union address once the partial government shutdown ends.…

6 years ago

Trump Offers Limited Protections For Migrants In Exchange For Billions For His Border Wall, Democrats Reject Offer

On Saturday afternoon, President Donald Trump sought to end the government shutdown by offering Democrats temporary relief for some undocumented migrants…

6 years ago

Ann Coulter Says She Regularly Talks To & “Advises” Donald Trump [VIDEO]

Conservative firebrand Ann Coulter said Wednesday she believes President Donald Trump is "dead in the water" if he agrees to Congress's proposal to reopen…

6 years ago

House GOP Leaders Strip Iowa Rep. Steve King Of Committee Assignments After White Nationalism Comment

On Monday night, House Republican leaders removed Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) from all his committee assignments following his controversial recent remarks on…

6 years ago

House Passes Bills To Fund Transportation Dept., Agriculture, Housing & Urban Development And More

The Democrat-controlled House of Representatives passed a package of bills on Thursday to fund several federal departments, including Housing and…

6 years ago

Nancy Pelosi Elected House Speaker For Second Time, Makes History

California Rep. Nancy Pelosi on Thursday retook her former role as Speaker of the House, as the Democratic Party officially gained control…

6 years ago

House Democrats Issue Plan To Reopen Government By Passing Six Bipartisan Bills

Democrats are slated to retake the House on Thursday, and the party has decided on a strategy to reopen the…

6 years ago

Senate Adjourns Until Dec. 27 As Government Shutdown Continues With No End In Sight

Talks between Republicans and Democrats failed to resolve issues stemming from funding disputes over President Donald Trump's border wall on…

6 years ago

ObamaCare Sign-Ups For 2019 See Late Surge Of 8.5 Million, Down 4 Percent From 2018

Sign-ups for 2019 health care coverage under ObamaCare, the colloquial name for the Affordable Care Act, saw a last-minute surge…

6 years ago

Trump Insists On Border Wall Funds, Refuses To Sign Bill To Avoid Government Shutdown

On Thursday, President Donald Trump pushed the federal government closer to a shutdown after refusing to sign a stopgap bill to ensure…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Folds On Pledge To Shut Down Government Over Border Wall

Donald Trump faces a potential government shutdown looming over him, owing to his unmet demands to win $5 billon for…

6 years ago

Trump’s EPA Proposes Easing Coal Rules Despite Climate Change Reports, Marks Obama-Era Rollback

On Thursday, President Donald Trump's administration proposed rolling back yet another Obama-era climate rule: it suggested loosening restrictions on future coal…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Threatens Government Shutdown Over Funding Border Wall

As the deadline to find funding for key parts of the federal government looms closer, President Donald Trump demanded Democrats…

6 years ago

Democrat Andy Kim Defeats Obamacare Repeal Architect Rep. Tom MacArthur In New Jersey House Race

Democrat Andy Kim on Wednesday night defeated Republican Rep. Tom MacArthur, a key architect behind the attempted repeal of Obamacare, in a New Jersey…

6 years ago

Sen. Jeff Flake Will Oppose All Judicial Nominees Until Bill To Shield Robert Mueller Is Voted Upon

Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) declared on Wednesday his intent to oppose all of Donald Trump's judicial nominations until legislation protecting special counsel Robert…

6 years ago

New Trump Rule Allows Denial Of Coverage For Pre-Existing Conditions In Healthcare Exchanges

A new healthcare rule established by President Donald Trump's administration over the summer allows insurance companies to deny coverage to people…

6 years ago

Trump Claims He Supports Pre-Existing Condition Protections – While Administration Tries To Repeal Them

President Donald Trump tweeted his support of the current Obama-era protections for people with pre-existing conditions Thursday, saying that “all…

6 years ago