You searched for: Donald Trump

Donald Trump Claims Midterms Were “Tremendous Success,” Becomes Unhinged During Press Conference

Democrats reclaimed the House last night, winning at least 26  seats, more than the 23 they needed to hold the…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Urges Supporters To Vote As If He Was “On The Ticket”

President Donald Trump finished his final round of campaigning on Monday, taking a tour of three Midwest states to rally…

6 years ago

Midterm Elections 2018: Fox News Hosts Sean Hannity, Jeanine Pirro Join Donald Trump At Missouri Rally [VIDEO]

Fox News hosts Jeanine Pirro and Sean Hannity joined President Donald Trump onstage at a rally in Cape Girardeau, Missouri, on Monday evening, his final campaign…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Cites Questionable Poll To Boast About 40% Approval Rating Among African-Americans

On Sunday, President Donald Trump cited dubious polling data to brag about his support among African-Americans just two days before the midterm…

6 years ago

NBC, Fox & Facebook Pull Donald Trump Immigration Ad About ‘Cop Killers’ That CNN Calls ‘Racist’

Fox, NBC and Facebook all announced on Monday they would pull an anti-immigration ad President Donald Trump shared last week that CNN…

6 years ago

Judge Denies Donald Trump’s Request To Appeal Emoluments Lawsuit Against Him

A judge for the U.S. District Court for Maryland denied President Donald Trump’s request to stay a lawsuit alleging he…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Shocks With New Ad Of Cop Killer Luis Bracamontes, Depicting Immigrants As ‘Cop Killers’ [VIDEO]

zPresident Donald Trump on Wednesday shared a racist video on Twitter that depicts Latin American immigrants as violent "cop killers" and that…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Says Caravan Migrants Could Be Shot If They Throw Rocks At Troops

President Donald Trump on Thursday warned migrants traveling with the caravan approaching the southern U.S. border that they could be shot by…

6 years ago

Has Robert Mueller Already Subpoenaed Donald Trump In Russia Probe? One Legal Expert Thinks So

Less than one week before the midterm elections, there is speculation that special counsel Robert Mueller may have already subpoenaed President Donald…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Slams Paul Ryan After House Speaker Criticizes President’s Comments On Birthright Citizenship

President Donald Trump on Wednesday fired back at Republican Rep. Paul Ryan after the retiring House Speaker criticized his comments on birthright citizenship for…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Blasts Media During Florida Rally, Crowd Chants “Lock Him Up” About Andrew Gillum

On Wednesday evening, President Donald Trump used Saturday's shooting at a synagogue in Pittsburgh to blast the news media during a rally…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Spent Just 2 Hours On Policy In A Week, Unstructured “Executive Time” Dominates His Schedule

All presidents have their own schedule that is dictated by what they want to achieve for the United States. President Donald…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Calls Andrew Gillum A “Stone-Cold Thief,” Gillum Calls President “Weak”

Democrat Andrew Gillum is running against Ron DeSantis in a heated gubernatorial race, hoping to become the first African American governor in…

6 years ago

2,000 People Protest Donald Trump’s Visit To Pittsburgh Synagogue Where 11 Died In Shooting

On Saturday, anti-Semite Robert Bowers killed 11 members of a Jewish synagogue in Pittsburgh. On Tuesday, President Donald Trump and three of…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Calls For Ending Birthright Citizenship For U.S.-Born Children Of Immigrants

President Donald Trump on Tuesday revealed his desire to end birthright citizenship for American-born children of illegal immigrants and other non-U.S.-citizens. Birthright…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Draws Criticism For Ordering Deployment Of 5,200 Troops To U.S.-Mexico Border Ahead Of Midterms

On Monday, President Donald Trump ordered the deployment of 5,200 military troops to the United States border with Mexico by the end…

6 years ago

John Brennan Tells Donald Trump To “Clean Up His Act” Following President’s Media Attack

Former Director of the CIA John Brennan told President Donald Trump to clean up his act and to “try to…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Jr. Likes ‘False Flag’ Tweets About Attempted Pipe Bombings

Donald Trump Jr. promoted a series of tweets supporting conspiracy theories regarding the string of suspicious packages that were sent…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Attacks CNN In 3 A.M. Tweet After Suspected Bomb Mailed To Network’s Offices

President Donald Trump jumped on Twitter early Friday morning to attack CNN, just days after the news network received a suspected pipe…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Mocked On Twitter For ‘Chanded’ Typo In Tweet About Immigrants At Border [BEST REACTIONS]

President Donald Trump was mocked by Twitter users on Thursday after he tweeted about immigrants approaching the southern U.S. border. "Brandon Judd of…

6 years ago