You searched for: Donald Trump

United Nations Expert On Fake News Labels Donald Trump As Worst Perpetrator

President Donald Trump regularly brands new organizations and reporters he disagrees with as “fake news,” but it turns out he might presently…

6 years ago

Donald Trump’s Bone Spurs Diagnosis Was Allegedly Fabricated As A Favor To Fred Trump

Donald Trump managed to avoid serving in the Vietnam War. His bone spurs diagnosis was his fifth and final deferment and, speaking with The…

6 years ago

Donald & Melania Trump Make Surprise Visit To American Troops In Iraq, First Visit To Combat Zone

On Wednesday, President Donald Trump made a surprise visit to American military forces stationed in Iraq, marking his first visit to…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Reignites Twitter Feud With Bob Corker Amid Government Shutdown

President Donald Trumphasrevived his Twitter feud with Republican Sen. Bob Corker as a partial government shutdown continues due to partisan gridlock over immigration…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Slams Fed On Twitter, Stock Markets Plunge Amid Confusing Signals From White House

Stock markets plummeted early Monday after a tumultuous morning that included President Donald Trump angrily criticizing the Federal Reserve on Twitter and…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Pushes Out Jim Mattis Two Months Early After Rebuking President

Defense Secretary James Mattis will leave his post in the White House by Jan. 1, two months before his initially planned departure…

6 years ago

30 Top Democratic Candidates Who Might Run Against Donald Trump In 2020

Given President Donald Trump's controversy-plagued tenure in office thus far, there has been much speculation for some time — especially since…

6 years ago

Vladimir Putin Praises Donald Trump’s Syria Withdrawal Order In Press Conference

On Thursday, Russian President Vladimir Putin lauded President Donald Trump for his decision to withdraw 2,000 military troops from Syria. Putin's remarks came in…

6 years ago

Republicans Slam Donald Trump For Withdrawing U.S. Troops From Syria

President Donald Trump's administration announced Wednesday that some of the 2,000 troops fighting terrorist group ISIS in Syria will be sent…

6 years ago

Donald Trump: Trump Foundation Has “Done Great Work,” He’s Being “Slammed” By Democrats

It was announced on Tuesday that the Donald J. Trump Foundation, which was founded in 1988, will dissolve. Barbara Underwood, New York's attorney…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Folds On Pledge To Shut Down Government Over Border Wall

Donald Trump faces a potential government shutdown looming over him, owing to his unmet demands to win $5 billon for…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Reportedly Disinterested In $21-Trillion U.S. Debt Crisis: “I Won’t Be Here!”

The United States' debt to foreign creditors currently sits at $21 trillion. However, while debt is an issue the Republican…

6 years ago

Michael Cohen Says Donald Trump Knew Hush Money Payments To Porn Star & Playboy Model Were Illegal

Former Trump lawyer fixer Michael Cohen claims that President Donald Trump ordered him to arrange hush money payments during his 2016 presidential…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Names Budget Director Mick Mulvaney Acting Chief Of Staff

President Donald Trump revealed Friday that he has appointed budget director Mick Mulvaney to be the acting White House chief of staff. Mulvaney will…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Says He Never Ordered Michael Cohen To Break Campaign Finance Laws In Tweet Storm

On Thursday morning, President Donald Trump responded to Michael Cohen's prison sentencing, claiming on Twitter he never ordered his former personal lawyer to…

6 years ago

Donald Trump: The People Would “Revolt” If He’s Impeached

Speaking with Reuters on Tuesday, Donald Trump expressed his belief that the people will "revolt" should he ever be impeached.…

6 years ago

Michael Cohen, Donald Trump’s Former Lawyer, Sentenced To 3 Years In Prison

Micheal Cohen, Donald Trump's former lawyer and "fixer," has been sentenced to serve three years behind bars. The Manhattan Judge…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Tweets There Is “No Smocking Gun” Of Russia Collusion

On Monday morning, President Donald Trump blasted Democrats in a pair of tweets for their continued pursuit of two controversies tied to…

6 years ago

Nick Ayers Rejects Offer To Become Donald Trump’s Chief Of Staff

Nick Ayers, who was long considered the favorite to replace the outgoing John Kelly as White House Chief of Staff, revealed Sunday he…

6 years ago