On Friday, President Donald Trump suggested that if an economic downturn comes he would be able to solve it because he “always find[s] a way to win.” 

The Economy is strong and good, whereas the rest of the world is not doing so well. Despite this the Fake News Media, together with their Partner, the Democrat Party, are working overtime to convince people that we are in, or will soon be going into, a Recession,” Trump said in a Twitter post.

Adding, “They are willing to lose their wealth, or a big part of it, just for the possibility of winning the Election. But it won’t work because I always find a way to win, especially for the people! The greatest political movement in the history of our Country will have another big win in 2020!”

These posts come after turbulent economic weeks have caused many experts and legislators to conclude a recession is imminent. 

Despite warnings from all sides. Trump has refused to admit anything is wrong with the economy and escalated his trade war with China. He tweeted on Thursday, “The Economy is doing really well.”

Trump and his administration have also accused Democrats and the media for creating a false panic. “The Fake News LameStream Media is doing everything possible the ‘create’ a U.S. recession, even though the numbers & facts are working totally in the opposite direction,” the president tweeted.


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Benjamin Wuersch

Article by Benjamin Wuersch

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