A new poll shows that Vice President Kamala Harris (D) has favorable numbers among some groups but lacks popularity as a Democratic candidate.

As President Joe Biden (D) runs for reelection, concerns have risen about the 81-year-old ability to serve out his term in the office.

The Politico poll shows that both the president and vice president lack healthy ratings, with Biden having 54% favorability and Harris having 52% among Democrats.

The poll revealed that only a third of voters believe Harris would win an election if she was named the Democratic nominee. Just 42% of participants viewed Harris as a strong leader.

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Harris has outperformed the president with specific voter blocs, including black and Hispanic voters. Harris outperformed Biden among black voters, contrasting results from four years ago, as she garnered 67% favorability.

The vice president has also shown strength on certain policies, including abortion, gender issues, LGBTQ rights and health care.

In contrast, Harris performed well below 50% on immigration, China relations and handling of the Israeli-Palestine conflict.

Harris’ role in key issues may have given her a lead over other Democratic candidates for a 2028 presidential campaign. However, she remains a controversial figure.

The poll further revealed that 36% of voters want Biden to replace Harris as vice president, and 39% want the president to keep Harris as his vice president for another term. Some participants said they are in favor of Harris’ removal, with 23% of Democrats and 34% of independents choosing this option.

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