Michigan State Sen. Dale Zorn (R) apologized on social media for wearing a face mask on the Senate floor Friday that appeared to depict the Confederate flag.

“I’m sorry for my choice of pattern on the face mask I wore yesterday on the Senate floor. I did not intend to offend anyone; however, I realize that I did, and for that I am sorry. Those who know me best know that I do not support the things this pattern represents,” Zorn tweeted Saturday.

He added, “My actions were an error in judgment for which there are no excuses and I will learn from this episode.”

In an interview with WLNS, Zorn said his wife made the face mask for him and it was not a Confederate flag. He added, however, that even if it was a Confederate flag, it is a piece of history and there should be more education around the “atrocities that happened during that time” to prevent it from recurring.

“I told my wife it probably will raise some eyebrows, but it was not a Confederate flag,” Zorn told WLNS.

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Katherine Huggins

Article by Katherine Huggins

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