
House Democrats Plan $100 Million Abortion Rights Campaign To Energize Voters

Democrat’s House Majority PAC is investing $100 million in advertising and voter mobilization focused on abortion rights as party members hope the issue will energize voters and win back control of the lower chamber in November.

According to a memo, the Reproductive Freedom Accountability Fund will go toward swing districts across the country and work to increase voter outreach in key House races where there aren’t competitive presidential or Senate primaries on the ballot.

The PAC pointed to abortion’s success in motivating voters during the 2022 midterms to support Democrats.

“In the fight to win the majority in 2024, HMP will create a stark contrast for voters: Democrats are working to grow the economy and lower costs for American families while Republicans are obsessed with banning abortion and ripping away American freedoms,” the memo stated.

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“The GOP’s inability to see that the majority of Americans disagree with their attempts to rip away rights will be advantageous to Democrats.”

The investment includes $85 million on paid messaging in areas “where reproductive freedom will be a critical issue.”

Ava Lombardi

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