Rudy Giuliani, the newest member of the president’s legal team who once boasted that he could wrap up the Russia investigation in “a week or two,” has declined an invitation by the attorney for Stormy Daniels, Michael Avenatti, to debate key facts surrounding his client’s case.

Last week, Avenatti suggested on Twitter that the two engage in a public debate over key parts of the scandal. “It would be very helpful for the public to witness a discussion between Mr. Giuliani and me concerning the facts of the case, etc. I am willing to participate on any network provided both sides are provided a fair shake,” he said adding that he was “willing to do it on 12-hrs notice.”

In an interview with Politico, however, Giuliani made clear that he wasn’t interested in anything Avenatti had to offer. “I wouldn’t debate that guy if they paid me $10 million,” he said. “He’s a liar. All he does is put out statements in the press, and they fawn all over him.”

“I don’t debate people like him. I’m not going to give him all that time on television,” the former Mayor of New York City said. “What did he ever run for? What public service did he ever do? I’m going to debate him? This guy is a clown. He want’s to do a debate like Billy Jean King and Bobby Riggs?”

Giuliani has made a series of embarrassing blunders since assuming his new role on the president’s legal team. On May 2, Giuliani, during an interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity, contradicted the official White House statement regarding the president’s knowledge of a hush money payment Trump’s longtime personal lawyer and fixer Michael Cohen made to Daniels, prompting the president to make a rare public statement on the case.

In an interview with Business Insider, Giuliani went further. “I don’t get involved with pimps,” he said.

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Eric Silverman

Article by Eric Silverman