Congress Quietly Certifies Trump’s Presidential Victory In Stark Contrast To Jan. 6, 2021
On Monday, Congress formally certified President-elect Donald Trump‘s victory with no dramatics.
The proceedings formalized Trump’s victory over Vice President Kamala Harris. Democratic leaders emphasized the importance of a seamless transition after the insurrection at the Capitol in 2021.
Still mindful of the events that took place, lawmakers esyablished rigorous security at the Capitol on Monday to ensure the safety of the building and its occupants.
“There was a proud bipartisan tradition of using Jan. 6 to make technical objections within the byzantine electoral college system. And I think all of that got washed away with the attempted political coup and the mass insurrectionary violence of Jan. 6 the last time around,” said Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Maryland).
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Monday’s proceeding marked the first certification after Congress made changes to the Electoral Count Act to require any objections to receive the support of 20 percent of House members.
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