Former Donald Trump adviser Steve Bannon, who was found guilty on two accounts of Contempt of Congress last week, called on shock troops to “deconstruct the government” on his Monday War Room podcast.

“I want everyone to understand exactly what we’re doing here,” Bannon said. “And particularly [we] want people stepping forward, say, hey, I want to be one of those 4,000 shock troops.”

“This is taking on and defeating and deconstructing the administrative state,” he added.

This is not the first time Bannon has called for the use of shock troops.

“If you’re going to take over the administrative state and deconstruct it, then you have to have shock troops prepared to take it over immediately,” Bannon told NBC News in a phone interview last October. “I gave ’em fire and brimstone.”

Bannon was found guilty on two contempt charges after he failed to cooperate with a subpoena from the House select committee investigating the January 6, 2021, Capitol attack. The first charge was for failure to show up for his scheduled October 2021 deposition and the second was for ignoring a subpoena ordering Bannon to hand over related records by October 2021.

Although Bannon ended up agreeing to testify before the committee at the last minute following a letter from Trump waiving his executive privilege, the Justice Department said his “eleventh-hour” cooperation had nothing to do with dodging the subpoena for nearly a year. They also said Trump never invoked executive privilege and claimed that Bannon thought he was “above the law.”

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Article by Rose Carter

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