Fauci Denies Giving Permission To Use His Voice In New Trump Ad, Says Clip Is ‘Taken Out Of Context’

4 years ago

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious disease expert, denied approving the usage of his clips in an ad for…

Democrats Tie Amy Coney Barrett To Trump’s Effort To Gut Affordable Care Act

4 years ago

Senate Democrats tied Supreme Court Justice nominee Amy Coney Barrett to President Donald Trump's attempts to repeal the Affordable Care…

Trump Claims To Be ‘Immune’ From COVID-19, Twitter Flags Tweet As ‘Misinformation’

4 years ago

On Sunday night, President Donald Trump announced that he will be returning to his normal campaign schedule after receiving treatment…

Without Evidence, Trump Suggests Biden Might Have COVID-19

4 years ago

On Sunday, President Donald Trump stated that he is immune from COVID-19 following his infection and hospitalization last week. His…

Trump Blames Veteran Families For Giving Him COVID-19 At The White House

4 years ago

President Donald Trump suggested that veteran families may have given him the coronavirus after attending a service honor event at…

Fauci Says That 400,000 Americans May Die Of COVID-19

4 years ago

Dr. Anthony Fauci said on Tuesday that it is possible that 400,000 Americans could die from COVID-19 if precautions are…

Trump Demanded Walter Reed Doctors & Staff To Sign Non-Disclosure Agreements

4 years ago

President Donald Trump asked medical professionals at the Walter Reed Medical Center to sign non-disclosure agreements in 2019. Not only…

White House Informs Veterans Group Of COVID-19 Exposure At Trump Event

4 years ago

On the same day President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump tested positive for the coronavirus, the White House…

Sen. Lindsey Graham To Young Blacks: ‘You Can Go Anywhere In This State, You Just Need To Be Conservative’

4 years ago

There are 35 U.S. Senate seats up in the November election, with multiple states having the potential to flip parties.…

Trump Campaign To Hire Thousands Of Volunteers As ‘Poll Watchers,’ Critics See Attempt At Voter Intimidation

4 years ago

Election Day is just 24 days away, and the Trump Campaign is hiring thousands of poll watchers to prevent any…