President Donald Trump‘s eldest son Donald Trump Jr. spoke at the Republican National Convention on Monday, slamming the Democratic party as the “radical left” and anti-working class elitists and praised the Trump administration for preserving the “principles” of America.

In his passionate speech, Trump Jr. attacked Democratic candidate Joe Biden, saying his “radical leftwing policies would stop our economic recovery cold,” while his father’s presidency was “like rocket fuel to the economy.”

“Biden has promised to take that money back out of your pocket and keep it in the Swamp,” Trump Jr. said. “That makes sense, considering Joe Biden is basically the Loch Ness Monster of the Swamp. For the past half-century, he’s been lurking around in there.”

He claimed the Democrats have neglected the needs of the working class Americans. “Joe Biden’s entire economic platform seems designed to crush the working man and woman,” he said. “Democrats claim to be for workers, but they’ve spent the entire pandemic trying to sneak a tax break for millionaires in Democrat states into the COVID relief bill, Then they attacked my father for suspending the payroll tax for middle-class workers.”

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He criticized the Democrats for “attacking the very principles on which our nation was founded” and their “radical left” policies, echoing his father’s similar expressions towards Biden and the Democrats.

“They want to bully us into submission,” Trump Jr. said of Democrats. “If they get their way, it will no longer be the silent majority. It will be the silenced majority.”

He additionally praised his father for cutting travel with China at the beginning of the pandemic despite the “political correctness” of the Democrats. Like his father, he pushed the narrative of Biden being “weak” for China and elevated Trump for his aggressive stance toward China.

“Beijing Biden is so weak on China that the Intelligence Community recently assessed that the Chinese Communist Party favors Biden. They know he’ll weaken us both economically and on the world stage,” he said.

Trump Jr. also addressed the racial unrest in the U.S., as the nationwide protests sparked after a white police officer murdered George Floyd during an arrest procedure. He urged to “put an end to racism” and said that “what happened to George Floyd is a disgrace.” He also added that he did not agree with some of the protesters’ demands to defund or abolish the police.

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Polina Kuznetsova

Article by Polina Kuznetsova