You searched for: Janet Yellen

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen Pushes For Global Minimum Corporate Tax

In her first speech as Treasury Secretary, Janet Yellen urged Congress to implement a global minimum corporate tax rate. Yellen says that…

3 years ago

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen Thinks Biden COVID Relief Plan Could Lead To Full U.S. Employment By 2022

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen thinks that President Joe Biden's $1.9 trillion relief plan could allow for economic growth that would…

4 years ago

Biden Selects Former Fed Chair Janet Yellen To Be First Female Treasury Secretary

President-elect Joe Biden selected former Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen to serve as the first female Treasury Secretary on Wednesday.…

4 years ago

Treasury Sec. Yellen Got The G7 To Agree To A 15% Global Corporate Tax Minimum, Will The GOP Agree To It?

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen met with the G7 leaders last week and scored a long-sought achievement: she reached an agreement…

3 years ago

Biden Administration Officials Debating Constitutionality Of Debt Ceiling

Biden Administration officials reportedly have turned to new legal routes ahead of an impending debt-ceiling crisis. Officials in the Justice…

1 year ago

U.N. General Assembly Votes 141-7 To Demand Russia Withdraw From Ukraine

The United Nations General Assembly voted overwhelmingly on Thursday to demand that Russian forces leave Ukraine, one year after Russia…

2 years ago

Manchin To Dems: Not Negotiating With GOP On Debt Ceiling Is A ‘Mistake’

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-West Virginia) urged Democrats to negotiate with House Republicans in the battle over the national debt ceiling. He…

2 years ago

A Trillion-Dollar Coin? It Could Be The Bizarre Solution To The Debt-Ceiling Crisis

House Republicans appear determined to play chicken over raising the U.S. government's debt ceiling with the Democrats. Global economic stability…

2 years ago

Treasury Secretary Warns Congress U.S. Will Soon Hit Debt Ceiling

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen warned Congress that the U.S. will reach its statutory debt limit next Thursday. She pled with…

2 years ago

Biden Appoints First Native American U.S. Treasurer, Marilynn Malerba

Marilynn Malerba is now the first Native American woman to be appointed as U.S. Treasurer, according to a White House…

2 years ago

Biden Asks For Study Of Possible U.S. Cryptocurrency

President Joe Biden signed an executive order on Wednesday calling the government to begin an investigation into digital currency to…

2 years ago

Senate Passes Debt Ceiling Increase Until 2023

The United States Senate on Tuesday approved a bill that would increase the debt ceiling by $2.5 trillion until 2023.…

3 years ago

Congress Facing Another Debt Ceiling Impasse With Default Looming In Just Days

The December 15 deadline set by United States Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen for lawmakers on Capitol Hill to extend the…

3 years ago

Biden Proposal Would Require Banks To Report Deposits To The IRS

The Biden administration is proposing a crackdown on unpaid taxes among wealthy Americans and businesses in order to raise revenue…

3 years ago

Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey Responds To Criticism For Using COVID-19 Funds To Build Prisons

Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey (R-Alabama) responded to criticism of her choice to use federal COVID-19 relief funds to build new…

3 years ago

As Democrats Rush To Raise Debt Ceiling, Republicans Vow Not To Help

Democrats are urgently trying to raise the debt ceiling – and they're relying on GOP support to do it. Democrats…

3 years ago

No Designated Survivor Named For Biden’s Address to Congress

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki told reporters on Tuesday that the administration will not name a "designated survivor" for President Joe…

3 years ago

Biden’s $1.9 Trillion American Rescue Plan Approved In House, 219-212

The House of Representatives passed Joe Biden's $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan early on Saturday morning by a vote of…

4 years ago

Biden Says He Wants To Keep Sens. Bernie Sanders & Elizabeth Warren In Senate, Rather Joining His Administration

President-elect Joe Biden indicated Tuesday that he wants to keep progressive voices, such as Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) and Elizabeth…

4 years ago

Pence Campaigns In Georgia For Upcoming Senate Runoff Election

On Friday, Vice President Mike Pence appeared at a Republican rally in Georgia to encourage President Donald Trump's fight to…

4 years ago